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The 3 concept were focussed on solving at least one of these three problems: 

1. What is in the fridge ? 

2. What is the expiration date 

3. what is the product 



Concept 1

Concept 1 is a stationary scanner that can be attached to the outside of the fridge. Another part of the scanner is placed near the bin; it scanner the products that are being thrown away .This helps to recognize and keep track of products that are scanned. The scanner works like a barcode scanner at the supermarket, so the user

 would have to scan the barcode before placing it in the fridge. The information will be send to an app which will keeptrack on what in the fridge and will make a grocery list and will remind the users of products that have been in the fridge for too long. An additional function is the speaker, which tells the user what product is scanned.

Concept 2

Concept 2 is the fridge cam ( camera that is placed inside the fridge). This device will scan the complete fridge and send the information to an app. This app will have a list of everything in the fridge and it will tell you what was taken out of the fridge. if the product doesn't return in 48 hours it will be deleted. One of the advantages is that

everything will be done automatically without the user having to scan anything. The app will then automatically make a grocery list and send reminders. The disadvantage is that the camera might not be able to read all products if they are stacked vey tightly. The scanner and app use audio to communicate with the user.


Concept 3

The last concept is a mix of the previous concepts but with a different focus point. Instead of focusing on the products inside the fridge the focus point was to create a scanner that can also read the expiration date . The scanner is a portable camera rather than a barcode scanner and

the function of this design is to recognize food and non-food items in the kitchen and pantry and also scanning the expiration date. The product has a charger that can be mounted to the wall and the product communicates by telling the user what product it is.  


The choice for a specific concept depended mostly on the market and the input from our co-designer. 


After doing extensive market research it became apparent that different types of phone scanners or even apps recognizing products directed at people with a visual impairment already existed. After doing some more research we found out that none of these could also read the expiration date. Because our product idea existed we became a bit discouraged. 


However, when talking to our co-designer it became clear that she did not like any of the products currently on the market. The apps were difficult to navigate or took way too long. Most were only directed at food products and needed to scan the barcode. which was difficult for her, as she could not see where the barcode was. 


Besides this, she explained that keeping stock was not the problem. It was more about distinguishing and recognizing products and knowing the expiration date would be much appreciated. She also liked the design to be a separate product for the kitchen, not perse connected to any app. The last thing she mentioned was that a design which is portable might be very handy, as she sometimes can not hold heavy products still for a long time to scan.

Looking at the research and co-designing process it became apparent which concept to use. Concept two has an additional app and is more focused on keeping stock. This concept was eliminated at this moment, as there are many apps that also help to keep stock. Additionally it had would have problems recognizing different products if they are hidden in the back. 


The stationary scanner (concept 1) and the scanner at the bin was the second option. Because here the focus was also keeping stock but the scanner was not portable and it a lot of work scanning every product before placing it in the fridge which would lead to the product being abandoned. The advantage of it would have still been that all products will be scanned and saved without mistakes.


The last concept seemed to fit all wishes and tips our co-designer mentioned. First of all, it is a product on its own which is specially designed for people with a visual impairment of all ages and impairment.  This means that the users do not have to use their phone, braille or other products. Besides this, the concept has a camera that recognizes the whole product and its expiration date. So the users do not have to search for a barcode. Lastly the design is easily portable making it more usable. 


Group 16

Industrial Design Bachelor Program, Project Designing For Specific Users, University of Twente, 2021

Project coordinators: Jelle van Dijk, Cristina Zaga and Niels van Huizen

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