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In this document, a plan to test user experience and usability of the ISE Scanner is described. The focus group for this test will be visually impaired people. The test should be done with a complete, final-stage prototype. Unfortunately, due to the time limit this test plan could not be executed. 


The main goal of this test is to test the user experience and usability of the ISE Scanner. To test this, several participants from the target group will be invited and take the test. Because they are visually impaired, a test taker will stay with the participant during the test and tell the participant what to do.


The test taker should plan a meeting with the participant. The test will take only about 15 minutes. Below, the ‘test taker form’ can be found. In this form, the planning, process and questions of the test are described. The test taker should print out this form, read the instructions carefully and carry out the steps.

The idea is simply to have the participant scan products with the ISE Scanner and afterwards evaluate this. 


Dependent variables

First of all, the test taker will keep track of the time it takes the participant to scan a product. The faster the use of the product, the better. The test taker will also ask the participant about if they thought it took too long to succeed a scan. In this way the satisfaction of the time it takes to scan can be measured. Then, two questions: 'Was it immediately clear to you how to scan a product?’ and ‘Was it immediately clear to you how to place the scanner back in its holder?’  will be asked. This will measure if the product is intuitive enough. 


Independent variables

Our target group are people that became visually impaired later in life (so not from birth). Therefore, no matter what age he or she is, all people that have become visually impaired later on should be satisfied with the ISE Scanner and should be able to use it. It should not matter how long someone has been visually impaired already, it is only important that this is not from their birth. 


Confounding variables 

In every test the same three products will be used for scanning, to make the test most reliable. Next to that, the level of instruction will be another confounding variable, because one participant should not have advantage compared with the other participants. One requirement of the product is that it should be intuitive, and in this way that can be tested as well. Also the same tasks will be given to every participant, and the same prototype and products will be used in every test. 

Group 16

Industrial Design Bachelor Program, Project Designing For Specific Users, University of Twente, 2021

Project coordinators: Jelle van Dijk, Cristina Zaga and Niels van Huizen

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